Thursday, May 29, 2008
Computer Got Soaped, Died and is in the Hospital
I am so upset you can't even image.
So here was my original posting when I got my computer. I was so proud of it.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Followup From Mark's Gall Bladder Posting
I don't have any trouble with that stuff. I guess some people's metabolism isn't the same and it affects them differently.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Interesting Blog Information
Well, I got my keyboard from Dell and replaced it. Wasn't too hard to do, took 2 screws off the bottom, then took the top part off the laptop where the on off button is at, then slipped the keyboard off and replaced it. The P key works now! Yeah.
I sure haven't done much sewing lately. I've just been too lazy and it is so nice outside, we have just been playing outside all the time.
Kasey spent the day with Grandma today while Daddy was helping Grandpa side their house. I would call over there to see how they were doing and Kasey would kiss the phone. It was so sweet.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Back Porch "Take Two" and "P" Key Quit!!!
Well, here's "Take Two" on the play center back porch. Mark went to Lowe's and got a big rope and tied it on the awning of the porch and hung the tire swing on it. Then he laid out all the puzzle floor mats. I think it all looks so nice. The floor mats will only make it one season, but they will help Kasey cushion when he falls. Kasey is really enjoying the sand box too.
We rode scooters out to some friends house tonight, Stephanie and Doyle, and went to eat at a little restaurant out in the country. I need to take some scooter pictures and some scenery that we see during our ride. It's really pretty. Next time we go out, I'll take my camera with me. Stephanie has been reading my blog but she hasn't started one of her own. I'm hoping that she will leave a comment for me sometime! Stephanie has a scooter too.
I am going to ride the scooter to work next week and log my mileage and gas down and see how much it cost me. The scooter gets about 80 miles to a gallon. I probably ride it a little too hard, so might not get that good.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Our economic stimulus check
Last Night's Camping Adventure
Well, the tent poles that hold the rain flap up on the top of the tent were all broke. Dad had another tent, but we didn't want to go over there and get those poles. So last night, because that flap didn't have the poles in it, they flapped and flapped every time the wind blew. It was really annoying. So I couldn't make it, I had to go back in the house and sleep in my nice quiet cushy bed. I do like sleeping when it's real cool out though. We'll get the poles from Dad and try again. If not, I looked them up on Coleman's web site, they are only $15.00 to replace, so that's really cheap for a free tent! Plus it's a 8 person tent and those are anywhere from $100-$180. We got a pretty good deal on our tent.
Kasey really had a good time sleeping in the tent. He had never slept with all of us like that before. Our nephew Connor came over too. I think he had a good time too. He is 10 and had never slept in a tent before outside. Nicky was going to sleep with us too, but she had a friend who wanted to hang out with her, so ditched us for her friend. She said that NOTHING will stop her from tenting with us next time except family emergency... Ah.. teenagers...
Saturday, May 17, 2008
We are Camping Tonight
Here's Kasey and Daddy sitting next to the fire.
I'll report more in the morning about how the night went.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Miranda Bag Almost Finished
All Mark could say was "Are these cheaper than the ones you buy?" Ha!! I just said, it doesn't really matter, I will still want to buy purses......
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Saturday's Mother Day Surprise
Kasey was ready to go, he had never seen the bikes on the jeep before. He hurt his hand on something on the bikes and wanted Mommy to kiss it. Wouldn't it be so sweet if I could kiss all of his hurts away? Life would be so simple!
This is at the FireHouse Pottery, we painted a little pencil box, it's a purple color with black specs, once they fire it, the purple will be really bright. Here it just looks white, but it was actually a light purple. We painted Kasey's hand black and then put it on the front. He was so good, they were impressed with what a good hand print we got.
Here's the pencil box. We put Kasey's name on the back of it and Nicky's name.
While Nicky and I were painting, Kasey wanted to play outside in the rain. So he and Daddy had to stand outside and play. When I went out to get them to get Kasey's hand print, Kasey was running around with a green water bucket. Nicky took this picture, he had the cutest look on his face. He's cutting a couple of teeth and seems to be having a lot of saliva right now (which is why his sweatshirt is really wet.. )
We stopped at Sequoia Park and fed the ducks and geese some left over popcorn. They ate right out of Mark's hand.
Kasey tried to get them to eat out of his too. One of them hissed at him and he just looked at them like they were crazy and threw the popcorn at them. He was really funny.
Then here are the kids sleeping in the backseat coming home. It was a long day for them!
Well, that's it for today. Happy Mother's Day everyone! Happy Mother's Day Mom! You are the best and I am lucky to have you in my life and Kasey to have you for a Grandma!!!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Early Mother's Day

Sunday, May 4, 2008
Miranda Bag Pattern Here and Fabric Purchased

My Miranda Bag pattern arrived. So I found some fabric at a quilt store today. It's XOXOXO, The Cat by Wendy Slotboom for In The Beginning Fabrics.
I am going to make the body of the bag out of the black flower print, then the green will be the bottom. The light dot fabric is going to be the inside lining and the pink is the pockets inside. The handles will be longer handles made out of the green. I am really excited to get started on it. The pattern looks really complicated, but Lazy Girl Designs has pictures of everything, so it should be fairly simple.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
More Prom Pictures
Here they are getting in their limo. They were packed in like sardines! This car came from a local funeral home......
Getting Ready For Prom
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Free Rice to Hungry People
We donated rice today to feed hungry people in the world, it's through the UN World Food Program. It was fun just to see how well you could pick the answers to the questions. I bet my Grandpa Bob would like this. (Post what your vocabulary score was on here!)
Nicky is the one that showed me the site. She donated 8,000 grains of rice one time. Not sure how much rice that really is, maybe a bowl full?
Blog Giveaway
One thing about blogging is that I love to read what people are doing. I have about 30 I read all the time and subscribe to which shows me what posting each person makes as an unread post. So it doesn't take that long to read. It is so much fun to read what people are working on in quilts, what they have done and what their family is doing. I really like Kristie's site the best because she has such a great heart and is really funny.