Sunday, March 11, 2018

My Last Herceptin Treatment March 9, 2018

My last chemo treatment was Friday, March 9th, 2018.  I have had 18 Herceptin treatments now, one full year! 

Friday was also the day that they took out my port.  I thought maybe I would be put under for the procedure, but the Doctor gave me a shot to numb the area where my port was at.  He made an incision in the scar where my port was inserted.  There was a lot of scar tissue that grew around the port and he had to cut all that tissue away before he could get it out.  He said that some people have a lot of scar tissue and others don't, I was one that had a lot! 

What I thought was really amazing was that when the catheter that went into my vein was pulled out of the vein, the vein immediately closes up the entry area.  How cool is that?  I thought I would have blood gushing out of the vein and they would have to sew it up. 

I wanted to ask to have the port when they took it out but wasn't sure they would let me.  When I asked, they said that a lot of people ask to have them.  They do all sorts of things with them, put them on the Christmas tree or put them in a box as a memory.  I'm not too sure what I will do with mine, it's a reminder of what I have been through and that I came out on the other side, feeling good and looking forward to the future.