I don't have a picture of me skiing. No one seems to ever take my picture... :( Isn't that the way it always goes. I did get Mark to video me and then he took a regular picture and it was a close up so didn't even show me with ski's on.
I got a really cool thing from my dad this week, it's a retractable screen door. He got it from a friend and couldn't use it, so he gave it to me! You can buy them from Lowe's and they are about $130 - 160. Mark put it up in the garage this weekend, so we can have the garage door open and then the door to the house open with the screen and will get a good breeze from that part of the house. He actually got 2 of them and I want to put one on the front door but I am not sure how it is going to look. I don't think that Mark wants to put it on the front door, but I would at least like to try it. So maybe a picture tomorrow!