Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Dogwood Tree and Sleeping Kasey

Sunday, April 27, 2008
Thinking About My Life
I was never fortunate enough to remember my maternal grandfather, I do remember my maternal great-grandfather though. It is really nice to have my Grandpa Bob in town with us now and my Grammy Carole!
So what has got me thinking is that my Grandpa Bob has written all of these stories on paper. I think there is probably about 40 pages. He writes a lot about his military stories and they are really interesting. I love the fact that this is about his life and the things that were important to him. I will have something to give to Kasey to remember his great-grandfather. I don't think many people are that fortunate to have a document like that in their families.
I have posted Grandpa Bob's blog on my favorite blog listing, along with my favorite quilting blogs, so he's in good company. I don't always understand his blogs, they are usually political in nature, which I'm not really too up on, but I enjoy reading them and commenting on them. Keeps him on his toes. :)
So here are a few pictures, we went to a Mexican Restaurant for my Mom's birthday, April 22nd.
Here's Kasey playing peek-a-boo. He loves to flirt with everyone. We went to Hardee's yesterday and he walked around the whole restaurant and waved at everyone and said "bye-bye, bye-bye".

- Did you walk to school or ride a bus?
- Tell about your first car
- Describe your Sundays as a child
So I already have about 10 pages typed and it is just my growing up years. I think I am going to divide it up by 3 sections, my growing up years, my life before Mark and my life with Mark. I think it will be a neat way to document things I have done and what my feelings are. I have to get my mom started doing this. She has so many cool stories about our families and as much as I try, I can't remember some of them and usually get them all confused anyway! So, Mom, are you up for the challenge???
Blogging seems to be a great way to share your stories with your family and friends, but this is just one other way to do so. What makes it easier is if you are a fast typer too! I think it has made it so much nicer having the laptop too because I just take it where ever I feel like typing.Miranda Bag Pattern

Friday, April 25, 2008
Mark's Gall Bladder and My Bad Tooth
Then I've been having tooth problems, one of my back teeth hurt when I eat on it. So I went to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned and there is a fracture in my tooth, so I will be getting a crown on it. They can't do it until June, but at least I don't have to get it pulled.
Well, that's all that's been going on with us.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Spring Quilt
Here's a spring quilt I made last year, I found the pattern in a magazine and used a jelly roll, but I can't remember the fabric name right now. Just wanted to post the pictures of the quilt. Kasey had fun while we were trying to take the picture, he wouldn't stand still long enough for me to get a picture with him in front of the quilt.

Saturday, April 12, 2008
Holiday Cups
I thought it would be fun to start collecting these holiday plastic cups. They would just be something fun for Kasey to use and I could switch them out with every holiday. I have the following:
- Valentine's Day - pink and red
- Easter - bunnies and eggs
- Snowmen - blue
- St. Patrick's day
- 4th of July
I guess the next holiday that I can buy cups for will be Halloween, since I already have 4th of July, which would work for Memorial Day too. Then I can get Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Don't you think that's a neat idea? They are usually $1 or 8 or 10 of them. Anyone else doing something like this?
Friday, April 11, 2008
Visiting with Michelle

Nicky Won Electric Company Essay Contest!
She won a small PDA device, I don't know what it is for sure, but I guess it has Office 2007 on it, Internet, a GPS system and all sorts of things. I can't wait to see it. But the BIG prize was an all expense paid trip to WASHINGTON, DC in June! Oh my gosh, we are just so excited. There will be 82 kids from Missouri that get to go for 6 days! I dont' think it's sunk in for her what an honor and what a prize this is!
Course, she did forget that I had told her the week before that if she won it, I would give her $100 spending money! When I told her that I was out $100, she was like "Oh, yeah, I forgot!" HA! I told her she had to buy me a t-shirt. Course in DC, you can usually buy t-shirts for 5 for $10, so she'll be able to buy everyone a t-shirt real cheap!
Here's her proud pappa! He said it was really his night to shine... :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008
We voted!
So this is Kasey's 2nd time to go vote with us. He was so cute after I voted (we vote on paper ballots), he ran to the machine and pointed to it, he knew that was where that paper was supposed to go. I let him push the ballot in, he thought that was a lot of fun . Then we got a sticker for him.

Monday, April 7, 2008
New Washing Machine, Cat Food and MicroFiber Towels
So I think this must be the longest post I have ever made on here.
I am really excited because my Grandpa Bob called me today and wanted me to show him how to start a blog! I can't believe it, he just had his birthday this week (and I forgot !!! - bad Granddaughter!) and he's 85! (Hope that's right, maybe that will make him post a comment on his real age, he's either 84 or 85.) I think he's going to post all about politics, but I guess that will be ok. I will post a link to it on here when he gets it started.
Well, maybe my mom with post a comment too, she reads each one of these about 10 times but never posts anything, except these anonymous ones that say "what a beautiful child" or something like that. She tends to be a little proud of her grandson.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Our Concrete Bench was Stolen!
I looked outside my window Friday at all my yellow daffodils coming up and Kasey had pulled all the flowers off the stems. They were laying all over the place. Guess he thought they shouldn't be there! Should have taken a picture of that. :) I'll do better next time.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Finally, A Post From Me
My mom, Nicky and I went to Springfield shopping today. Nicky needed to get some shoes for Prom (why, oh, why is prom so expensive now????) and a dress to wear out to dinner before prom. So we hit all the stores, Marshall's, TJ Maxx, Kohl's and Gordman's. She found a dress at Kohl's and then we went to Gordman's. I laughed and said, "I bet you'll find one in here you like better." She said, "No, I won't. I'm really happy with the one I got." After wandering around a while, I found her and guess what she had? Yes, another dress! I really liked this one better than the first. So we got it and took the other one back to Kohl's. Plus she found some really cute silver shoes with rhinestones on them. Our last stop was Sam's Club for diapers and wipes. I found Kasey a couple of books, I Can Cut and I Can Trace. Retail price on this website showed $13.99, but Sam's had them for $7.49. That was a good price. They also have I Can Color, I Can Fold and I Can Paste. I thought I Can Cut and Trace would be pretty good for his age right now, 22 months. We did a little bit with the I Can Cut, but he was tired, so I will do a little with him each day. It's really cute, they are colorful pages and you can tear each page out as you do it.
Here's a pic of Kasey, we had hamburgers and corn on the cob. He is pretty good at eating the corn, but liked to pull the skewers out and stick them back in. I am going to have to remember to use the ones that are plastic screw type rather than the metal stick ones. He could hurt himself on those. He thought it was fun eating the corn with those.
Here's what we did tonight before going to bed. He loves to play with this magentic farm book. He takes all the magnets out and puts them on the page. After he's played a while, he wants to put it all up in the plastic holder and put it back in the bookshelf. Usually we read a couple of books every night. My favorite are the Dr. Seuss books. I have a ton of them, probably at least 75! I just love the rhymes and silliness of them. I think he's going to like them too!
I haven't been doing much on quilting. I worked on my Triple Treat Quilt some, but nothing really to show.