Sunday, we headed out of Mackinaw Island toward the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
Our first stop was the Mystery Spot. It’s a spot that is 300 feet where nothing seems right, a plumb bob won’t read plumb, a level will show a board is level, but when you stand on it, you are not standing straight. Mark is convinced it was all an elaborate hoax, but I’m not really sure. It all seems plausible to mean, I mean it’s called the Mystery Spot right?

Then we headed up to Sault Ste Marie to see the Soo Locks. Sault Ste Marie is the 2nd oldest settlement in the United States, behind St. Augustine in Florida.

We took the scenic road around Lake Superior, stopped at a light house on the way, Point Iroquois Light Station. We climbed to the top, and saw the big ship that went through the locks.
There were only 72 stairs going up to the light house.

After the lighthouse, we headed toward the Tamquemenoeon Falls, first the lower falls, then the upper. We hiked around for about an hour, then headed to the next lighthouse.
Picture of the next light house at Whitefish Pt.
Then we drove up toward a place called Deer Park. We found a campground and got a tent spot. There was a hiking trail out to Lake Superior and we watched the sunset and walked quite a ways on the beach. We stayed there till about 10:00.
I will say that I am NOT a very good tent camper, I just don’t sleep well. It’s not that it wasn’t comfortable, because really it wasn’t too bad, but I just have a hard time sleeping in a tent. There were a lot of people talking late at night.

We also think we could camp in the car, so the next morning, we put our sleeping bags and stuff in the car and tried it out. I actually think we could do it if we had to. (Course I probably couldn’t sleep!)