We went to Jordan Valley Park yesterday and Kasey played in the sprinklers and the water. He had such a good time. It was a really nice park.
This metal man had a wheel at the bottom that you could turn and his arms and legs would move. It was really cute.
I think this is the only picture I got with his face, not a very good one though.
Hmmm, not sure what to say about this one.
This stream went down to the fountain. The fountains came on every 5 or 10 minutes. The kids would all run down there and play in them.
The fountains all done, everyone clears out!
The stream had blocks of rocks in it. Not sure they show up very well.
Here’s a video of Kasey running through the sprinklers. It’s about 2 minutes long (probably only Grandma will enjoy watching it that long!!!). I think the really funny thing to note is that all the other kids just hang around and Kasey runs around the circle, around the outside, through the fountains. He wore me out just watching this video!