Thursday, August 12, 2010

Port Washington and Pabst Mansion

On Monday evening, we camped on the shores of Green Bay at a campground.  We put up the tent right by the shoreline.  It was a quiet campground and we could hear the slapping of the waves from the lake along the shoreline.   I actually slept really good this time, probably because I didn’t sleep well the night before. 

We stopped at Port Washington, WI to view a light house that they had in the town.  We actually stopped to get gas, they had signs up for the light house so we thought we would drive to it. 

Needless to say, I was very disappointed with the town’s care of this light.  I know it’s nothing great, but the walk out to the light was littered with trash.  Not just trash from the day, but trash from weeks worth.   CIMG5565 CIMG5567

Here is the view from the light back to the town.  It was really foggy, so we couldn’t see too much.  This whole walk out was freaky to me.  The water was really deep and there were no rails, I could just see myself tripping and falling in.  I was glad to get back to the parking lot.  There were a lot of really big fish though, you could see them swimming around. 


We stopped in Milwaukee and toured the Pabst Museum.  It was really neat.  Of course, you couldn’t take pictures inside, but here are a few from the outside and from the inside of the gift shop.

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